Janice Person has actively cultivated a thriving social media and digital footprint for more than a decade. By teaming the strategy & planning experience with the “in the trenches” content creation, she understands this space in a way that is rarely matched.
This is put to use for clients as well as the channels Grounded Communications has in-house. The strategic insight and know-how can also be put to use for clients who are looking to create new vehicles or enhance current channels.
A Few Recent Client Projects
In 2020, as much of the world started staying at home, essential workers like farmers were still spending much of their day in trucks and tractors. That’s when Janice started working with HLK and Channel Seed on the podcast AgOverEasy. Janice served as host and provided connections to sources, informed storylines, etc for the series designed to meet the brand’s objectives.
With the sudden conversion from in-person to virtual events, many organizations found they needed enhanced digital presence. Grounded Communications works with the team at the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show to produce a steady stream of compelling content (photos and video that spotlighted content, sponsors and industry trivia). A focus was getting farmers registered for and attending the show in both 2021 and 2022.
We welcome working with other clients on content strategy and creations. And especially working with individuals who are looking to build beyond their current skill set as developing others is a passion for Janice.
Grounded Communications Properties
The following content channels are part of the Grounded Communications umbrella and have independent sites. Here are quick glances at each.
Grounded by the Farm Podcast
Consumer’s interest in food continues to increase, and many people grew up without connections in agriculture. With that knowledge and a passion for talking with farmers, Janice started Grounded by the Farm to interview farmers about the foods they grow!
The podcast & accompanying site also includes a blog for written and video posts on many of the foods/farms — so the audience can get a look at the farm as well as hear from the farmer directly. Already we have featured popcorn, crawfish, mushrooms, lettuce, purple hull peas, the growing of barley and it’s use in a great craft beer, and more! Check out some of your favorite foods!

Hundred Percent Cotton
Cotton is a favorite fabric whether going to the park with friends or getting a good night’s sleep after a big trip. It’s also a beautiful crop that dots our Southern landscape. Although Janice’s family have called the city home for generations, she’s proud to be among the generation of people seeking connections to agriculture and cotton is where she started. All of that and more on HundredPercentCotton.com!
Janice has written so much about the crop over the years that the fiber definitely needed a site of its own! Some of those posts are in the cotton 101 series but you can also learn about when she visited her first cotton farm. Working in cotton became the major thrust of her career for years & the crop a major passion. The site grew to include cotton in our homes (how to navigate buying sheets, tips on doing laundry, etc), sustainability (what happens is cotton gets buried, impact of blends, etc), even where to buy professional clothes that are comfy and more!
Travel is Janice’s first true love and she’s always enjoyed visiting friends and family, hearing about unique experiences and cultures. Over the years as friends married, Janice began hearing how others live vicariously through her as exploring the world remained on the calendar.
I’ve been to a lot of countries overseas that makes people wonder how Janice picked them…. first time out of the US was to the Soviet Union / Russia, since then she’s been to Japan, Turkey, Italy, Malaysia, India, China, England, Israel, The Philippines, The Netherlands and Belgium. She’s also seen all 50 states and done some great road trips in the US doing an Oregon-Central California drive and driving from St. Louis to Montana on another! These adventures get posted to the travel category and big trips have another page too. To get to know a new hometown, she did an A to Z challenge on St. Louis, Missouri.
A lot of that travel — domestic and abroad — Janice created opportunities to see farms. This exploration ultimately led to Grounded by the Farm getting started, but you can see the original posts on this site. There are A to Z series on various topics in agriculture and on some of the many farmers I have met. Also, get to know Chris who showed me around my first hog farm, the Wagners who let me work cattle, my brother who runs his organic coop, the almond trees Brent tends, or dairy farmers Dino Giacomazzi, Ray Prock and Annie Link who have shown me their dairy farms.