Once you put yourself out there on a blog, it seems its more likely you show up on other blogs, video channels, etc. — either as a guest poster or being featured. Here are some of the podcasts, websites, etc that have featured interviews with or stories about Janice and her work.
- Corporate Career to Entrepreneur with Janice Person (The Coalesce Network Podcast) — “Janice Person is no stranger to transitioning from a steady corporate role to the freedom and flexibility of running her own business. On today’s episode, I’m chatting with Janice about how she successfully made the transition from her well-known corporate role as an online engagement director to pursue entrepreneurship with Grounded Communications LLC – a communications and consulting services business focused on bridging the rural-urban divide.”
- Live Your Story: Janice Person episode — Janice Person comes to the show in a new season of her career. Hear our conversation about why it’s so difficult to have conversations about complex issues (like food) and how she knew it was the right time to make a career change.
- SoundBites A Nutrition Podcast: Modern Farming, Skepticism & Storytelling — Food brings people together for everything from celebrations to mourning – and feeds the soul for meaningful connection. It can help harness great power in our communities, but in today’s world we are too often letting dietary differences shift us into polarized positions.Food is far too important to let buzzwords lead the conversation.And while misinformation may be unintentional, disinformation is deliberate and manipulative. In order to engage in more productive conversations, we need to 1) learn to listen better in order to find common ground, 2) employ storytelling to share important information and create a sense of wonder, and 3) be truly respectful of others’ thoughts and feelings.
- Market to Market: Cotton is the Common Thread — “JP Loves Cotton. That’s what Janice Person’s Twitter handle says and echoes much of her life. She’s well known on social media for promoting agriculture and her work in the cotton industry. She travels and more times than not, she runs into someone who’s come across a tweet or a piece of her work.” Download or listen to the Market to Market episode here.
- Future of Agriculture: Online Engagement & Bringing Ag to SXSW with Janice Person — Conversation with Tim Hammerich about starting the online engagement efforts at the company and for the ag industry and some of the various efforts to connect with consumer audiences.
- Healthy Under Pressure: Food & Ag Communications Under Pressure — Registered dietitian Amber Pankonin asks me about connecting with people in the food & ag tribes and helping both better understand modern agriculture. Handling contentious issues frequently plays a part but it stress me out any more. We talk about how building relationships helps stay healthy under pressure. The episode was sponsored by my employer.
- Sharkfarmer Podcast: Janice Person is Cottontastic — Rob Sharkey interviews me about my role in agriculture social media over the past decade, the ability to understand consumers and farmers both and my love of cotton.
- Story of Agriculture Podcast Episode 24: The Power of Storytelling — This podcast by the team at Herdmark Media was like a conversation with a long-time friend, even though I’d never met host Marlene Eick. We talked about storytelling, the lessons learned from outreach over the years and some of the things I’d tell my college-aged self. Part of this is just me and part of it is my Monsanto workself. 🙂
- Marketing Smarts Podcast: How to Triumph Over Trolls and Misinformation: When people hear I work at Monsanto, they frequently go straight to the amount of hate I must receive online. I can admit early on, it was pretty bad. Learning how to handle the negative energy and how to keep myself from feeding it, that is something to share with others! Download/listen to the podcast here.
The Cubicle Chick’s Work It Podcast Episode 5: Personal Brand Power with Janice Person — Danyelle is my social media hero here in St. Louis. She was one of the first to help me find my footing and we still find ourselves ground each other. She asked me to talk with her about how I balance my personal social media with the professional role I have. You can listen to the episode here.
- How to Deal with Brand Controversy on Social Media (podcast on convinceandconvert.com) Janice Person, Social Media Director for Monsanto, joins the Social Pros Podcast this week to discuss dealing with controversy on social media, respecting transparency, and proactive versus reactive social media strategies.
- Ag Media Conversations (AMC 0041) – Janice Person, aka @JPLovesCotton, shares on agriculture, food, fuel, and fiber (on trufflemedia.com) — This podcast episode from 2010 provides an old school look at my job in the early days.
- Have No Fear, Empower Yourself. Debbie Lyons-Blythe, Ulla Kjarval and I did a panel discussion at the 140 Conference in New York. The entire conference was focused on the individual and our personal health and fitness (I wrote a post about it & my personal health journey. I was able to bring a combination of personal and work viewpoints. Love having this video as it reminds me of incredible people I have met and great discussions we have had moving things forward.
- Looking into Faceless Big Ag with Carrie Mess, Debbie Lyons-Blythe, Jodi Oleen & Janice Person — An interview Carrie Mess, Debbie Lyons-Blythe, Jodi Oleen and I did with Jiggy Jaguar after we did our panel at SmallTown 2012 aka the 140 conference
Understanding GMOs: The Journey Begins (Chinese Documentary) — It was my pleasure to meet a group of Chinese students studying in the US as they worked on a documentary. I even made a short appearance in the film!
- Our Ohio hosted a panel discussion on GMOs, where I participated alongside a couple of farmers. The discussion was so robust that it ended up providing the content for two episodes!
- Triple Pundit’s SXSW Eco Interview with Janice Person (video) — As we began reaching out to new audiences, one of the places we went was Austin, Texas. This video is from a conference there that focused on the environmental side of things.
Blog Posts
- Listening to the Women of Monsanto (BlogHer.com) — Aimee Whetstine is a blogger who has friends who works at Monsanto. Having seen the dialogue online, she wanted to take a few minutes to help people see some of the real people who work at the office. This is her interview with a few women from Monsanto.
- Meal Five: Janice Person and Friends (onehundredmeals.com) PThe One Hundred Meals project was started by a couple of Chicago foodies who had a lot of questions about how our food is produced. This post shares some of the thoughts Ellen had after having dinner with me and some farmer friends.
- Conversations. | Agriculture Proud (by Val Wagner) — Yesterday, I had the privilege of speaking to a group of people involved in agriculture about the importance of having conversations with those people that are buying our products, not only face-to-face, but through other avenues as well. My friend, JP (www.janiceperson.com), flew all the way from St. Louis to the frozen tundra of North Dakota (and we had a blizzard, which just about threw off the whole idea), just to help share the message and give some pointers on how to get ahead of the issues.
- Any Benefits from a Change in Perspective? (guest post on justfarmers.biz/blog) — Frequently people make the point that most Americans are 2-3 generations removed from the farm….. I’m from a long line of city folks and if my grandmom didn’t feel connected to something, how would I feel removed from it? What if instead you though of farmers as being the ones missing out?
- How Social Media (especially Twitter) is Saving My Farm (on HeyHungryFarmer.com) We have been “Twitter Friends” with Janice Person for probably close to a year now. For the majority of that time, we simply called her JP, as do most Social Media people, because of her Twitter handle @JPLovesCotton and her blog www.JPlovescotton.com. While in Honolulu for the American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Meeting in January, we went to a Tweet-up with Janice (where she served delicious and FREE mai tais!) and were finally able to meet her in person. I must say, JPLovesCotton is Janice. She is the same person online as she is in person: always giving and kind, knowledgeable and head-over-heels in love with agriculture. She is the kind of friend every person should have, even if they never get to see them in person.
- Margie Clayman Interviews Janice Person of Monsanto (on margieclayman.com) — For as long as I’ve known about Monsanto, I have only ever seen bad news about them. I first heard the name when I read Animal Vegetable Miracle. Then I heard about them again when I watched Food Inc. One of the wonders of the world of social media is that pretenses you bring from your own life can be popped like a big bubble. Whenever I pictured Monsanto I pictured a sort of Earthly rendition of the Emperor’s crew from Star Wars. Guys dressed all in black, kind of scary looking, and very mean, for sure.
- Dairy awareness #moo -ving on up in Twitter (on gilmerdairy.blogspot.com) — In the early days of my Twittering, I stumbled into friendships with several farmers that was immortalized in #moo. Yep, a bunch of us in agriculture circles got Twitter to #moo and the hashtag caught hold like wildfire. This blog post was one of the few that helped capture the reason behind it and the excitement with which a few of us greeted the day.